At some point, our exhaustion with paying rent turns into a desire to own property.
So we need to know the very first step to take to buying a home. I talk to people all the time who have a wistful cast to their voice when they mention buying a home. It seems to them to be part of the distant future, a future where they have somehow increased their income, gotten a handle on their living expenses, and, sometimes: started acting like a grownup. Owning a home becomes a dream in the fantasy sense: maybe someday...
The very first step toward buying a home is to personally establish a pattern that is a good investment for a mortgage lender.
If they are going to lend you tens of thousands of dollars to buy your home, they need to know that you can be counted on to pay if back.
Establish a solid, two year history of taxable employment.
Ideally, you work for two years with one employer, but a lender can also work with someone who has two years with two employers, but in the same line of work. (So if you start in Winnebago sales and move to Harley Sales, that would be good. If you switch from wig sales to Bikram yoga teaching, that would be not so good, in establishing a consistent two year pattern.)
Paying for the property that will soon become yours is much better than paying for a rent. Just think about how much you could possibly save if you already paid off the property. It's an investment that will yield with good result in the future, particularly when you already want to retire. -Churchill Mortgage Dallas
ReplyDeleteI agree Genny! Buying a home is still the most secure investment around, which doubles as your on-the-ground security.